You should not throw away your purple Gaia for this but if you building your first sylph, it worth a try. However, after the sylph "refine" is introduced, Pans get very strong skills after evolution, opposite the others. Pan, Pan is currently considered the most useless sylph.Use for sylph arena if you have no Hades. Whereever you need healing: group arena, guild battle, MPD. If you are a mage, you should prefer it since better for mage cw. Not so good in sylph arena,and whereever you face multiple opponents. Best for WB, and any other place where you have to maximize damage (spire, catacombs, etc). Hades is great almost everywhere where you do not race against time. Due to the heal and AE capabilities and the extra HP, Apollo is best for sylph arena, group arena and guild battle. Even when you have 2-3 maxed out sylph, you should grow a spare one, in case you get some new nice sylph, like Hades. Make sure when you are not doing the above activities, your put your sylph to the farm. Equip your maxed sylph instead for MPD/TOK only if it is not possible with your weaker sylph. Always equip your non-maxed sylph for MPD, TOK, solo dungeons, spire, bounty quests, Tree of Ancients since these give the most xp, and advance the sylph. Leveling a sylph efficiently is pretty straighforward. For these reasons, when you distribute points for the sylph, you should focus on your attack, except when a BR event is running: then you should switch points to HP to increase your BR. Sylph attack is important both in fights and in the sylph arena. Sylph HP, on the other hand, is increasing your HP. Sylph's armor stats (mdef, pdef) do anything only in sylph arena. So in general, with a gaia of electro resist 200 you will take less damage from a light monster, than with an apollo of light resist 100. Please note that when you fight a monster, your highest resistance is used, not the one of his element. Resistance can be reduced with will crystals, even to negative, but you will not get a bigger multiplier than 1.2x to your damage this way. You will deal a lot more damage with Apollo, since Gaia has negative resist vs it, and positive vs another Gaia. Use just the basic attack with the later. The other equip a Gaia first, then an Apollo later. Even when your opponent is not awakened, his apollo is only in passive form, and he is using a lightning bolt! Just test it out: one player equip a Gaia.

If you have +100 light resistance, you take 12% less damage from Apollo. Resistances modify the damage, each 10 points by 1.2%.